1. I chose this picture because the torn paper creates unique negative space that gives characters to the image.
2. This is the image after it has been posted for 2 years in Phnom Penh. The organic and tonned background suits with the image of the women.
3. I think the images should be displayed with cut off backgrounds with close-ups of students and staffs in LFAS. Also, we should consider about how the image would be after years have passed and think about all the agings that might give differnt mood to the image.
4. Images should be displayed where nature (rain, wind, etc) or people can naturally/purposely tear the images apart so that as time pass by, the images would be part of the building and the surroundings.
5. The participation of not only the LFAS students and staffs, but nature and random people would show "who we are" and "why arts matter".
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